A disturbing report was coursing the web before today guaranteeing that Google had halted creation of the Pixel and Pixel XL. Better believe it, it didn't bode well, and to be sure it seems, by all accounts, to be mistaken. Google has affirmed the Pixel is still underway. You can put your pitchforks down at this point.
The considerable Pixel unnerve of 2017 was commenced by Canadian transporter Telus, which conveyed warning messages to individuals who had pre-requested the Pixel XL through the bearer. In the email, Telus said it was not getting any more Pixels since Google had finished generation. Just on the substance of it that sounds bonkers. The Pixel has been sold out more than once since it propelled. From every angle, Google is seeing a great deal of enthusiasm for the telephones. There's no motivation to end generation now. Here's the email, many duplicates of which have been posted on Reddit.
We're truly energized by the interest for the Pixel XL in Canada. Telus is at present out of load of the Pixel XL. We're working with our accomplices to restock stock over our retail channels and we can affirm that creation of the Pixel has not halted.
Along these lines, obviously nothing in the Telus email is valid. Google is as yet making the Pixel and it arrangements to restock it over all retail channels. It's misty why Telus conveyed the email at all or what it construct the data in light of. At any rate, the Pixel lives.
Google has not stopped proction of the Pixel
Reviewed by imran ahmed
9:38 AM

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