The New Balance RunIQ, powered by Android Wear, is now on sale for $299.99

There hasn't been numerous new Android Wear gadgets of late, likely due to the deferred AW 2.0 discharge and major OEMs like Motorola and HTC pulling out of the stage. New Balance is taking its first shot at Android Wear, with the RunIQ now accessible for procurement - for a penny shy of $300.

As you may figure from the marking, the RunIQ is generally adapted towards wellness utilize. Not at all like most Android Wear watches, the RunIQ is fueled by an Intel CPU - the Atom Z34XX processor for this situation. It's likewise pressing Wi-Fi network, GPS, an optical heart rate screen, and a 410mAh battery.

The watch has three physical catches - one for propelling the Run IQ application, a standard home catch, and another for controlling music or resetting laps. It ships with Android 1.5, however clients can anticipate that a redesign will 2.0 when Google puts it out.
The New Balance RunIQ, powered by Android Wear, is now on sale for $299.99 The New Balance RunIQ, powered by Android Wear, is now on sale for $299.99 Reviewed by imran ahmed on 5:52 AM Rating: 5

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